Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea is one of the world's most
naturally beautiful countries. Soaring mountain
unspoiled beaches, lush rainforests, unique
flora and fauna and the cultural richness
of the people combine to make Papua New
Guinea an increasingly popular destination
for tourists.
There is already a well established infrastructure
catering successfully for many types of
visitor packages but the potential for expansion
and improvement is limitless.
The Government has targeted tourism as a
priority area for the economic development
of the country and for the creation of employment
opportunities at rural and urban levels.
With the kina at a more reasonable level
of exchange since its devaluation and float,
Papua New Guinea's many enchanting and remarkable
destinations can be within the sights and
budgets of many adventurers.
The development and expansion of tourism
in Papua New Guinea is assisted by the Tourism
Promotion Authority (TPA), a statutory organisation
established by the Government. The TPA is
well equipped with substantial industry
knowledge to respond to tourism enquiries.
Its activities are mainly directed at the
marketing of Papua New Guinea as a tourist
destination and as a safe location for hospitality

In line with other development policies,
the Government continues to ensure the cultural,
social and environmental resources of the
country are safeguarded and investment in
tourism may attract some degree of interest
from the relevant agencies, including, among
others, the Department of Environment and
The TPA is currently promoting new investments
in major tourism facilities, such as large-scale
resorts. Appropriate packages including
financial incentives for investors are available.
Planning guidelines and suitable sites have
been identified and investors are keenly
sought to develop these projects.
The TPA continues to identify new project
areas and potential support businesses which
cater for tourists. It arranges pre-feasibility
and feasibility studies for certain projects.
It will also work closely with other agencies
to assist in identifying business partners
- local or foreign - if necessary, and assist
in the licensing and registration clearances
with local authorities for your project.
The range and availability of training in
the hospitality industry needs to be improved
in Papua New Guinea. The Government encourages
the development of facilities which will
help to train the local workforce. It also
welcomes overseas training opportunities
and encourages local employers to improve
training techniques to enhance the skills
of their staff.
Further details and assistance can be obtained
from the Tourism Promotion Authority and/or
the Investment Promotion Authority.