To promote the development of new industries
outside of the minerals sector, the Papua
New Guinea Government offers a number of
attractive investment incentives. It is
also possible in Papua New Guinea to negotiate
other incentives with the Government for
a specific investment which could not otherwise
proceed without certain conditions being
met. Such investments, however, should be
commercially viable and in the interests
of the people of Papua New Guinea.
Most of incentives currently available
target companies in the form of exemptions
from company income tax, or deferment of
income tax liabilities. There are, however,
some incentives administered by the Internal
Revenue Commission (IRC), which are not
related to company income tax. They include
a wage subsidy provision, which is a straight
subsidy rather than a tax incentive. A summary
of the incentives currently available in
Papua New Guinea follow.
Export Promotion
(1) Export Income
The export income incentive is available
for firms producing new manufactured products
and for firms producing certain other specified
The Commissioner-General for Internal Revenue
is responsible for declaring a product to
be a new manufactured product and also for
the issuance of a certificate to a company
which intends to produce a new manufactured
product. A company which manufactures a
product which is subject to either tariff
protection or quota protection without import
parity pricing may not apply for a New Product
Manufacturing Certificate.
Under the incentive, profits made from
the export sale of qualifying goods are
exempt from company income tax for the first
three years of export and for the following
four years, the profits on any increase
in export sales over the average for the
first three years are also exempt.
Goods which qualify for exemption include:
Activated carbon, electrical appliances,
motor vehicles, artefacts, essential oils/oleoresins,
paint, beverages ready for consumption,
fabricated steel, paper products, fibreglass
products, plastic products, biscuits, fishing
nets, processed and canned meat products,
flexible packaging materials, smoked fish,
processed ginger, canned fruit and vegetables,
flour, refined petroleum, foam products,
rubber products, cement and concrete products,
mouldings, plywood and laminated products,
ceramics, chopsticks, glass products, ship
and boat building and repairing products,
cigarettes, hand tools, clothing and manufactured
textiles, industrial and medical gases,
soaps, treated and processed crocodile skins,
confectionary, jewellery, dairy products,
livestock feeds, wood pulp, dry cell batteries,
matches and wooden furniture.
(2) Export Market Development
The market development cost exemption gives
a deduction of income from taxable income
equal to twice the amount of any expenditure
on developing an export market (therefore
it is a double deduction).
The incentive is available for the promotion
of sales of goods manufactured totally in
Papua New Guinea, or where the Papua New
Guinea labour cost component exceeds 10
per cent of the sale price of the product.
The double deduction is not absorbed by
any exempt export sales income (see Export
Income above).
It is not available for the sale of unprocessed
primary commodities or for the marketing
of services, so the tourism industry does
not benefit from this incentive.
The types of expenditure to qualify include
overseas publicity and advertising, market
research, tender preparation, samples, trade
fair expenses, overseas sales office expenses
and certain travel costs.
New Industries
(1) Pioneer Industries Scheme
The scheme provides a five year tax holiday
for pioneer, or new, industries associated
with the development of manufacturing-related
activities, mainly downstream processing
of Papua New Guinea's vast wealth of natural
resources, in the country.
A pioneer industry refers to any industry
producing a product or a service not yet
established or in operation in Papua New
Guinea or which manufactures goods solely
for export. Pioneer status is granted to
any industry, other than primary production
or the primary processing of timber, or
mining or quarrying. A product of any such
industry is called a "pioneer product"
and a service provided by any such industry
is called a "pioneer service".
(2) Wage Subsidy
The wage subsidy promotes other objectives
in addition to the pure development of new
industries. The wage subsidy, by subsidising
wages, promotes employment. However, the
incentive is available only to those firms
which possess a new manufactured products
A firm producing a manufactured product
never before manufactured in Papua New Guinea
or a product which is manufactured but where
import substitution is incomplete may apply
for a new products manufacturing certificate
from the Commissioner-General for Internal
This certificate enables the firm to gain
both the wage subsidy and the export income
exemption subject to the fulfilment of certain
other criteria. To be eligible for the wage
subsidy, a firm must not receive quota protection
without import parity pricing or tariff
protection such that the tariff on the final
goods they produce exceeds the weighted
average tariff on their imported inputs
by more than 15%. The aim of these requirements
is to prevent the establishment of inefficient
industries which survive due to a combination
of a high level of subsidy and protection.
Wage subsidy payments last for five years
from the commencement of operations. For
each full-time citizen employee, a subsidy
is paid which is a proportion of the minimum
wage relevant to that area. In the first
year, the subsidy is equal to 40% of the
prevailing minimum wage. This declines to
30%, 20%, 15% and 10% in subsequent years.
Capital Investment
(1) Initial Year Accelerated Depreciation
The initial year accelerated depreciation
allows the capital cost of certain new assets,
converting existing oil-fired plant to non
oil-fired plant, or improving the efficiency
of fuel-using plant, to be written down
at a faster rate than would otherwise be
(2) Flexible Depreciation for Agriculture
and Fishing
As with the accelerated depreciation provisions
above, the flexible depreciation provisions
allow the capital assets to be written down
at a faster rate than would otherwise be
possible. In the case of the flexible depreciation
for agriculture and fisheries, expenditure
on new plant or articles used in agricultural
production or commercial fishing activities
can be written off 100 per cent in the first
year. Boats or ships exceeding seven metres
in length are specifically excluded, together
with ancillary equipment fitted to such
(3) Industrial Plant Depreciation
Industrial plant not previously used in
Papua New Guinea is eligible for increased
depreciation of up to 100 per cent of cost.
The taxpayer may elect the amount to be
claimed in any year, but not so as to create
a loss.
To qualify, the plant must have a life
exceeding five years and be used by the
taxpayer or any other person (for example
a lessee), in a manufacturing process. Expenditure
on building housing for such plant, or for
storing raw materials or finished products,
also qualifies.
Other Incentives
(1) Rural Development
The rural development incentive aims to
spread development to the less-developed
areas of the nation. Any new business activity
started since 1 January, 1988, in a designated
rural development area can gain a 10-year
exemption from corporate income tax, provided
it is engaged in one of the following industries:
Agricultural production
Manufacturing of any kind
The restaurant or hotel trade
Transport, storage or communication
Real estate and business services (excluding
financial institutions and insurance) or,
Community, social and personal services.
Businesses involved in the exploitation
of non-renewable resources (mainly mining
and petroleum companies) are specifically
excluded from the exemption. Losses arising
from those exempt activities are deductible
against taxable income from other activities.
(2) Rabaul Incentive
The Government has introduced a tax holiday
for businesses in Rabaul. From 1 January
1996 until 31 December 2000, businesses
operating in Rabaul will be able to enjoy
a five year tax holiday. The tax holiday
is aimed at restoring the town following
the volcano eruptions in 1994.
(3) Primary Production Investment
Development expenditure by companies on
land for primary production is deductible
by the shareholders of those companies,
if the company transfers the deduction to
them. (Primary production development expenditure
is defined to include the cost of assets
used for agricultural production.)
The incentive is different from other incentives
in that it allows the deduction by shareholders
against their personal income tax liabilities.
The amount surrendered to each shareholder
is in proportion to the respective amounts
of their paid up capital, (paid on or after
1 January 1987). The total deduction available
to a shareholder may not exceed the total
amount paid on their shares. Shareholders
may waive their entitlement if they wish.
The rationale for this incentive is that
some of the agricultural sector is not recording
taxable profits so that a deduction against
company income tax would be an irrelevance.
Outright deductions are allowed for certain
capital expenditure including clearing or
preparing or conserving land for agriculture,
the eradication of pests, labourers' accommodation
and for the conservation and conveyance
of water. Also, an initial accelerated depreciation
deduction is allowed for new agricultural
plant with a life exceeding five years.
Losses incurred in carrying on a primary
production business can be carried forward
indefinitely - they are not restricted to
the seven year limit that applies generally
to company tax losses.
(4) Staff Training Deductions
The double deduction for staff training
allows a double deduction against company
income tax for the payment of salary and
wages to:
Registered apprentices;
Citizen employees attending a full-time
training course at a government training
institute or a prescribed place of tertiary
education; and,
Training officers engaged wholly in training
or educational activities - not engaged
directly in deriving the employer's income.
The tax saving from these deductions is
limited to 75 per cent of actual expenditure
(5) Staff Training Levy
All businesses whose annual payroll exceeds
K100,000 are subject to a two per cent training
levy calculated on the taxable salary and
wages, including benefits, of all personnel.
The levy is assessed on an annual basis.
The amount of the levy payable is reduced
by qualifying training expenses incurred
in the training of citizen employees. Qualifying
training expenses are very widely defined.
(6) Solar Heating
This incentive promotes the use of natural
resources instead of fossil fuels to provide
energy sources. In Papua New Guinea, solar
energy is extensively used especially for
the heating of domestic water supplies.
Expenditure on the acquisition and installation
of solar heating plant for use in deriving
income is allowable as an outright deduction.
(7) Exemption of Certain Interest Income
Interest income received by persons and
corporations, including non -resident companies
and individuals, from deposits lodged with
licensed financial institutions within Papua
New Guinea is exempt from income tax.
(8) Import Duty Drawback
Duty drawback is a rebate paid to exporting
manufacturers, when they export goods, equal
to the amount of duty already paid on the
raw materials. It is offered so that locally-manufactured
goods can compete effectively in overseas
Requests for the consideration of duty
drawback must include a detailed description
of the manufacturing process involved, including
the nature and volume of inputs used, accompanied
by unit cost data based on import/export
documents and commercial invoices.
(9) Assistance for Project Start-Up
Papua New Guinea offers other investment
incentives such as the Feasibility Study
Grant Scheme and start-up loans for Papua
New Guinea entrepreneurs - which is of particular
interest to foreign investors who wish to
enter into joint ventures with Papua New
Guinea companies. Investors interested in
obtaining further information about these
forms of assistance are encouraged to contact
the Investment Promotion Authority for further
(10) Market Access Privileges
Papua New Guinea has preferential access
to a number of overseas markets. Products
of Papua New Guinea origin are allowed duty-free
access to Australia, New Zealand and the
European Community under the PNG - Australia
Trade & Commercial Relations Agreement
(PATCRA) and South Pacific Regional Trade
& Economic Cooperation Agreement (SPARTECA)
and the Lome Convention respectively. Local
products also have preferential access to
numerous other developed countries including
Japan and the United States of America under
the GSP system.
Further, Papua New Guinea qualifies as
an underdeveloped country entitled to the
benefits of the US General System of Preferences
and enjoys similar privileges in Japan and
Canada. Further information about Papua
New Guinea's market access privileges should
be directed, in the first instance, to the
Investment Promotion Authority.
(11) Tariff Exemptions or Reductions
Proposals for the consideration of any
exemption or reduction in duty are examined
on the merit of each case depending upon
the overall benefit to the country and revenue
implications within the cash-flow estimate
by the Government. Such matters are handled
by the Internal Revenue Commission, within
the Department of Finance, in consultation
with other administrative departments when
considered necessary.
To assist the IRC and the Department in
its decision, any organisation or investor
seeking any duty concessions should provide
all the cost data with supportive evidence
covering broad aspects such as quantum of
investment, nature of project, types of
materials, machinery, equipment, annual
importation and corresponding value at c.i.f.
level whether the manufacturing unit is
exclusively export orientated by utilising
national resources and to what extent locally-procured
materials will be utilised.
(12) Imports of Specialised Capital Equipment
The import of certain specialised capital
equipment is exempt from duty. Such equipment
must not be readily available in Papua New
Guinea and can be imported only on a temporary
basis for a specific purpose and a specific
time. The importers must satisfy the Commissioner-General
of Internal Revenue that the equipment will
be used on an approved project and a security
must be lodged for the period of temporary
The importer must undertake to re-export
the equipment at the end of the specified
activity. This exemption is expected to
be particularly welcome for the mining and
petroleum industries, since equipment that
they require for exploration is included.
Also eligible for duty exemption are imports
of capital equipment which will be used
in the establishment of new industries or
the expansion of existing industries, provided
that approval for importation has been given
by the Commissioner General and that the
equipment is not available in Papua New
Guinea. It applies to manufacturing industry
(13) Tax-Free Bank Deposit Interest
All interest paid by registered financial
institutions in Papua New Guinea is exempt
from tax.
When interest is paid by a Papua New Guinea
resident company to an overseas recipient
it is generally free of tax but may, in
some circumstances, be subject to a withholding
tax (45% of the gross amount).